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The following information is accurate as of Friday, March 13th at 5:00 p.m.


COVID-19: What You and Your Loved Ones Need to Know

Hi Friend —
As of Friday, there are 40 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Los Angeles County. Of these cases, six are likely due to community transmission.

It is up to each of us to take steps to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. Here are some recommendations from the LA County Department of Public Health on how we can all help keep our communities safe:

  • Cancel or postpone large events or gatherings. The Governor is requiring that all events of 250+ attendees be canceled, but LA County is recommending all non-essential events over 50+ attendees be canceled. If you are a person who has underlying health conditions, is elderly, or is otherwise at risk of serious complications, avoid events altogether.

  • Practice social distancing. That means limiting the time you spend in public and keeping a 6-foot distance between yourself and strangers when you are in public. 

  • Avoid non-essential travel, and do not travel to areas where there are outbreaks of COVID-19. 

  • Abstain from all cruise ship travel, as suggested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 

  • Continue to wash your hands frequently and stay home if you are even mildly sick.

  • If you are self-quarantined, make sure you connect with the Department of Public Health so that you have all the necessary follow up and supplies.

  • Individuals who are elderly, have underlying health conditions or are pregnant should contact their providers when they are sick.

  • Call your health care provider or local public health department first before seeking medical care so that appropriate precautions can be taken.

Below you will find additional information regarding local cancellations and closures and other helpful resources you and your loved ones can use for reference during this difficult time.  You can also visit our LA County Public Health Department's website for the latest news on COVID-19.
As the situation evolves, I will be in touch with more updates. 

Thank you,





Local Cancellations and Closures

All K-12 schools in every school district in LA County are closed due to COVID-19.

*Visit school district websites for more information about closures. 


Colleges and Universities

  • Cal State University Long Beach — Online courses begin Wednesday March 18

  • Whittier College — Online courses begin Monday March 23

  • El Camino College — Online courses begin Friday March 20 

  • Biola University — Online courses begin Monday March 23

  • Long Beach City College — Online courses begin Wednesday March 18

  • Los Angeles Harbor College — Online courses begin Wednesday March 18

  • Cerritos College — Online courses begin Monday March 30


  • LA County Libraries remain OPEN, but all programming is canceled through March 31, 2020.






















Read more: Los Angeles Homeless Service Authority Website























































Update on Juvenile Probation Visits

The Los Angeles County Probation Department has temporarily suspended visitations at County juvenile halls and residential treatment facilities until further notice. These include after-court, special and weekend visits by family members and/or community-based organizations. Required legal visits will be held as scheduled and all court ordered visits will be honored.

All visitations, except attorneys and professional visits, are temporarily suspended at LA County jails until further notice.

la county supervisor janice hahn
janice hahn's signature
Bullet points on Preventing Covid-19 Spread in Homeless population
5 tips for business owners in handling Novel Coronavirus
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